TAKEOVER Upcoming Feature Film

General / 21 October 2024

3D GENERALIST for Checkpoint VFX

  • Tasked with assembling, modeling, texturing, lighting, and rendering shots. 
  • Worked with a small team of fewer than 10 artists to complete a feature film on a tight deadline.
  • Modeled and textured 12+ sets, ingested and textured 6 vehicles, using both custom-made and pre-made assets. 
  • Sets ranged from urban interiors and exteriors, grungy nighttime scenes to bright daylight scenes. 
  • Worked remotely with a team spanning across the US, scheduled and planned using ShotGrid.
  • Imported and ingested animations, digi-doubles, and cameras to complete complex shots.
  • Individually assembled and rendered 300+ shots, and partnered with fellow artists to render another 100+ shots.
  • Collaborated with the director, concept artist, and comp supervisor to ensure highly stylized continuity.

KANTO BOY Upcoming Graphic Novel

General / 21 October 2024

COLORIST for Duhat Studios

  • Colored 100+ pages and the cover for an upcoming thriller romance graphic novelk.
  • Painted a wide variety of subjects including a diverse cast of characters and clothing, bright daytime interiors, and grim nighttime sequences.
  • Occasionally edited ink artist's work at discretion of the creator. 
  • Colored and produced onomatopoeia graphics for certain scenes.
  • Worked one-on-one with the creator and writer to capture the mood and intent of panels.

STEMSat Pitch Video

General / 21 October 2024


  • I worked with StemEd and Duhat Studios to create a pitch video for their STEMSat project. I was hired to be their 3D modeler and texture/lighting artist.
  • Fast turnaround, project was completed in less than 1 month.
  • Responsible for texturing models, environment, and characters.
  • Lit and rendered interior and exterior scenes--from classrooms to space.
  • Worked remotely and had bi weekly check-ins with director.